Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You, yes you!

H'dare you mock my poetry,
I shall see you in court.
Nay, I am not that forgiving,
I shall you to hell deport!
Alright! I know it's naive,
But I love to rhyme.
Guess that's what verses do,
Is it that huge a crime?
Abstract feelings, moving moments,
I write not of,
To life's untalked of banalities,
Do I my poetic hat doff.
To the Frosts and Coleridges,
I sincerely apologize,
Writing gives me a much-needed kick,
That, for the moment, shall suffice!
Poetry needs fresh flavours,
I shall cook up something new.
Tell then sit back and keep mum,
Don't make me... KILL YOU!

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