Now, this is an important issue. I can only pray that the people behind the scheme of introducing six new IITs have thought out well ahead and know what all this is leading to. Imagine that the first six IITs took around 25-30 years to make a mark for themselves and now we have six new ones springing up like worthless mushrooms, sucking out life from the greener grass to survive.
Come to think of it. There is only one reason of naming these institutes as IITs - cashing on the brand name!! The government could have set up "institutes" (and not IITs) and helped establish a good educational standard.
Moreover, what kind of a future are those nearly 800 students going to have who will be meted out step-motherly treatment from their foster institutes?? For the first three years of their programme they would attend evening classes, kept away from institute posts and honours, thus losing out on the very essence of college life. On the cost of exaggerating, i would say this could have a lasting impact on their lives... And this would continue for the first two or three batches.
Another problem is 'infrastructure'. We, at IITK, have been having serious issues for the past one year regarding allocation of hostels due to the increasing number of seats. There has been discontent among a major chunk of the student community due to their batches being split up to accomodate the increasing number of heads. Now, when they see their problems multiplying due to people (and i'm sorry to say that) who do not deserve to be in IIT, they are justified to curse the policy makers.
The IITs have maintained their status as a premier technology institution for a very long time. I hope God puts in some sense into our policy-makers before they ruin the good work done by some sane people. :)
And by the way, the email id in the topic is for real. This is where you mail if you have any queries regarding IIT Rajasthan. So much for a separate identity... :P
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